

There are certain words which when aimed at certain individuals can be very volatile. Ask Don Imus.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) became the darling of the Democratic Party when he aimed a volley of very fitting words at Republicans attempting to stop passage of healthcare reform.

But now, Grayson is on the hot seat and so he should be. In a radio interview last month, just now coming to light, Grayson called Linda Robertson, an aide to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, “a K Street whore.”

A spokesman for Grayson came to his defense with lots of reasons for the remark, and you can read them in a CNN report HERE.

He can enumerate reasons to his heart’s content, there is no excuse for calling this woman a “whore.”

Public figures within a mile of a microphone need to learn to measure their words. Ask Virginian George Allen who mouthed the racial slur “macaca.”

Congressman Grayson has not only hurt himself with his remarks about Ms. Robertson; he has hurt his party.

Sir: take a big safety pin and attach this little saying to your lips:

“Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff and nudge me when I’ve said enough.”


Tiny said...

Beautiful. Succinct and to the point.“Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff and nudge me when I’ve said enough.” This is a rule for each of us to follow.

However, Tiny must admit that our politicians do prostitute our Constitution, Bill ov Rights, Civil Rights etc. And these should be called to mind. But let it be known that it is the deeds that is being called out, not the person per se.

Grayson apparently apologized for his gaffe. Hopefully, he learned a lesson from it. Everyone makes mistakes. Repeating them isn't a mistake any more; it's intentional.

May each of us take your quote to heart and practice it in out daily lives.

Thanks for a good lesson for all of us to take to heart.

You are a blessing and an inspiration.

Frodo, in the woodshed door, said...

Mr.Grayson's apology was not acceptable. Attempting to explain or put vulgarity into context does not extend propriety to bad judgment. Frodo admires Mr.Grayson's willingness to attack hypocrisy head-on, but he also demands that his conduct reflect the stature of a gentleman and an elected representative of all the American people,including whores, of all kinds.

Infidel753 said...

It is shocking and outrageous that anyone would compare a Washington lobbyist with a prostitute. Prostitutes provide a service which is valued by many, charge (in most cases) fairly reasonable prices, and are almost never involved in the corruption or subversion of representative government.