Listen to Don Imus, beginning Monday, 6 to 10 a.m. ET, on WABC-AM, New York, ABC radio affiliates, RFD-TV simulcast and STREAMING LIVE on your computer at: "Listen Live"
And, with apologies to Elton John, a message for Joe Scarborough:
Goodbye, “Morning Joke!” Your sarcasm burned out long before your program ever did.
And, with apologies to Elton John, a message for Joe Scarborough:
Goodbye, “Morning Joke!” Your sarcasm burned out long before your program ever did.
Jan knows you will be in your element when you have "Imus in the Morning" with your coffee. Wake us up when your alarm goes off!
Merry, I've never listened to him--not that I wouldn't. The first I heard of him was that comment he made about nappies. Tell me what he does. I trust your judgement, you have a vision. Who is this guy? Eowyn
Jan: I ought to give you a wake-up call at 5 a.m. Central Time, LOL.
Eowyn, I watched Imus every morning for years on MSNBC, as Jan said, with my morning coffee. The persons who criticized him the loudest were people who had never seen or heard his program. Regular fans hit the Internet and blogosphere demanding fairness for Imus, because they knew the last thing he is is “racist.” MSNBC and CBS (radio) screwed up when they fired him – a knee-jerk reaction. Anyway, if you will click on the link at the top of the left-hand column, it will take you over to “Imus Posts,” the five “I See My Dreams” posts I wrote in defense of Don Imus. They are just chock full of WHO this guy is. Hope you will read them!
Will do. Thanks.
When I suggested you read the five Imus posts, I wish I had called your attention to all the comments. I hope you read them, some of the most interesting I ever had on the other blog.
During the few days I published those posts, more than 500 visitors came to my blog via Web searches on "Don Imus," "I-man," "In defense of Don Imus," etc. I am certain this was true of blogs across the Internet as millions of disenfranchised Imus fans sought ways to express themselves.
By the way, when Frodo comments about the difference between "friends" and "acquaintances" and asks "Where is Joe Lieberman?" he was referring to the thousands of politicians, journalists, musicians, authors, charity representatives, candidates, etc., who came on Imus' show hawking what they had to "sell" and loving every minute of their appearances with him, and who scattered like cockroaches when the ax fell on their "friend" Imus. Lieberman was just one of thousands who failed to speak out in Imus' behalf,
One prson commented that Imus' "star will rise again," and in a few hours I will listen on the link provided in this post and witness that for myself. :-) BJ
Jan will be listening for that 5 AM Central Time call so I can catch a glimpse of that "rising star" making his debut again. I'm sure he knows who his true fans and friends are by now.
We'll see how gently he treats the returning cockroaches! In fact we can send him some roach traps to have on hand for them!
BJ sometimes you are a real hoot.
Jan will be listening for the phone to ring! SMILE
I'll go back and look at them.
I think less of Lieberman than I do of GW, if that suggests anything to you.
So, howcum there's no special post to acknowledge the return of Frodo? Now, for some fun, the next time you see Mrs. Clinton prancing around a stage, wireless microphone in hand, turn down the sound and begin to sing "The hills are alive. . ."
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